Alan Thomas fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
B2012-0007/001(04) Prior Learning Assessment "Values" Statements [sic] ed. Alan Thomas, and Monica Collins File Nov. 1999
B2012-0007/001(08) Portfolio Curriculum Vitae, consists of biographical information, reports, and resumes of Thomas File 2005
B2012-0007/001(10) The Challenge of Prior Learning Assessment To Universities in Ontario: an aide memoire from The Council of Ontario Universities, Toronto, April 1998, and membership list File April 1998
B2012-0007/001(11) Developing benchmarks for prior learning assessment and recognition - reports and guidelines File 2000
B2012-0007/002(04) State of the field review: Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition by Dr. Christine Wihak File 10 Dec. 2005
B2012-0007/002(06) Recognizing the prior learning (RPL) of immigrants to Canada: moving towards consistency and excellence File June 2006
B2012-0007/002(07) Quality Assurance in Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition. A Partnership of the Canadian Institute for Recognizing Learning, Ryerson University, Saskatchewan Institute for Applied Science and Technology, University of New Brunswick. Submitted to the Canadian Council on Learning File 2 June 2006
2 Routes to Learning Canada Series 2000-2006
3 Papers, reports, articles Series 1954-2001
B2012-0007/004(02) Learning in society = L'apprentissage dans la societe by Alan Thomas File 1983
B2012-0007/004(05) The new world of lifelong learning by Alan M. Thomas File 1996[?]
B2012-0007/005(03) International cultural change to achieve lifelong learning notes for a presentation to Humber College by Alan Thomas File N.D.
B2012-0007/005(14):0001 Convergences by Alan Thomas [2 copies] Item After 1968[?]
B2012-0007/005(14):0007 Book review by Peter Jonker of Alan Thomas' "Beyond Education: a new perspective on society's management of learning" Item N.D.
B2012-0007/005(14):0009 A white paper on the education of adults in Canada co-authored by Alan Thomas[?] Item 1966
B2012-0007/005(10) It takes two to tango: defining the century as a discourse between learning and education by Alan Thomas [2 copies] File 1999
B2012-0007/006(06) Labour Canada's Labour Education Program: second evaluation years three and four (1979-80 & 1980-81) by Alan M. Thomas, David Abbey, and Dorothy MacKeracher File 15 Jan. 1982
B2012-0007/006(08) Inside the law: a commentary on Canadian Law Professors by John S. McKennirey, and Alan M. Thomas File 1983
B2012-0007/006(12) American education and the immigrant by Alan M. Thomas, Jr. File 1954
B2012-0007/006(15) Report on relationship between higher education and police learning requirements by Doug Hart, Joyce Scane, Barbara Burnaby, and Alan Thomas File 23 July 1992
B2012-0007/006(16) The tolerable contradictions of Prior Learning Assessment by Alan M. Thomas File 1995[?]
B2012-0007/007(02) A memory of Isabel by Alan M. Thomas [2 copies] File 1984
B2012-0007/007(03) Notes from the Galaxy by Alan Thomas File 1988
B2012-0007/007(05) Setting the scene: chronicle, comedy or tragedy notes for a presentation to The Ontario Association for Continuing Education, (London, Ontario), by Alan M. Thomas File 6 Nov. 1992
B2012-0007/007(12) D.V.A., consists of notes on paper and post-it notes by Thomas File N.D.
B2012-0007/008(01a) A Concept of the audience: an examination of the work of Harold A. Innis with respect to its application to the development of broadcasting by Alan Miller Thomas. Ph.D. 1964 (Columbia University, Social Psychology) File 1964
B2012-0007/010(01) Papers [2 of 3] File 1970-1979
B2012-0007/010(02) Papers [3 of 3] File 1970-1979
B2012-0007/011(01) Papers [1 of 3] File 1980-1989
B2012-0007/012(01) Papers [3 of 3] File 1980-1989
B2012-0007/012(02) Papers File 1990-1999
B2012-0007/013(04) Summer course on Knowledge Management, consists of submitted proposals and material by students of a summer course on knowledge management File 1998
B2012-0007/013(08) O.T. Correspondence, consists of correspondence from Oliver T. writing from the U.S.A., Singapore, and Italy [delicate paper] File 1953-1954
B2012-0007/014(02) Awards and Honours, consists of pamphlets, certificates and other material from the Mechanic's Institute, the Carold Institute, the CAAE [Canadian Association for Adult Learning], PLAR, the Government of Ontario, the Prime Minister, CAUCE [Canadian Association for University Continuing Education], and the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education File 1970-2003
B2012-0007/014(03) Photographs, consists of three photographs, col. and b&w, 20 x 25.5 cm and 19 x 16 cm [in matte] File 197?-200?
B2012-0007/015(05) WALL/NALL, consists of reports, newspaper clippings and correspondence regarding NALL [the research network for New Approaches to Lifelong Learning] including an address Thomas delivered at the Third Annual Conference [Toronto, 19 Feb. 1999] titled "Wrestling with the Iceberg of Informal Learning" File 1986-2003
B2012-0007/015(06) People Talking Back, consists of reports and pamphlets of People Talking Back a program produced by the Canadian Association for Adult Education and broadcast on CBC television File 1979[?]
9 Conferences Series 1981-2006
B2012-0007/016(04) Learning Occasions Principia Mathematica V by Alan Thomas File After 1982
10 Manuscript drafts for Beyond Education and other publications Series 1974-2006
B2012-0007/017(03):0002 Position Paper - Information Services, Guidance, and Counseling in Continuing Education, O.E.C.D. by Alan M. Thomas Item May 1974
B2012-0007/017(03):0005 Computers and Human Relationships by Alan Thomas Item N.D.
B2012-0007/017(03):0008 Education: Reformation and Renewal in the "80s"? by Alan Thomas Item March 1981
B2012-0007/017(03):0016 An Aide-Memoire for Marshall McLuhan by Alan M. Thomas Item 2 Dec. 1986
B2012-0007/017(03):0026 Wrestling With The Iceberg: Plenary Address to "Wrestling with the iceberg in Informal Learning" NALL's Third Annual Conference, Toronto, February 19, 1999 by Alan M. Thomas Item 19 Feb. 1999
B2012-0007/017(03):0027 Dimensions of the Experience of Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (draft) by Alan Thomas, Monica Collins, and Lynette Plett, New Approaches to Lifelong Learning, 2001 Item 2001
B2012-0007/018(07) Television Teaching Today by Cassirer File 1960
B2012-0007/019(02) Improving Citizenship Education, Teachers College, Columbia University File 1952
B2012-0007/019(03) A Pilot Study of the Nature of Aesthetic Experience Associated with Television and its Place in Education by Ellery File 1959
B2012-0007/019(07) Psychological Effects of the "Western" Film by Emery and Martin File 1957
Results 1 to 50 of 214