John D. Robins fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1990.093V 1-16 Lectures/Addresses: "Haliburton and Leacock" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-19 Lectures/Addresses: "Humour of Dickens" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-22 Lectures/Addresses: "Some observations on Sir Walter Scott’s use of the marvelous" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-25 Lectures/Addresses: "Troilus and Criseyde" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 2-2 Lectures /research and teaching notes: Cynewulf’s poems File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 2-5 Lectures /research and teaching notes: Literary fragments File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 2-6 Lectures /research and teaching notes: History of the English language File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 2-8 Lectures /research and teaching notes: "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 3-1 [A Pocketful of Canada - Notes] File ca 1946
1990.093V 3-2 [A Pocketful of Canada - Articles] File ca 1946
1990.093V 3-9 [A Pocketful of Canada - Notes and Articles] File ca 1946
1990.093V 3-11 [A Pocketful of Canada - Notes, Articles, Correspondence] File ca 1945
1990.093V 4-1 to 28 "A Pocketful of Canada" - Articles File 1946
1990.093V 4-29 "The Incomplete Anglers" - First and second drafts and  revision File 1941
1990.093V 4-31 "The Incomplete Anglers" - Memorandum of agreement File 1943
1990.093V 4-32 "The Incomplete Anglers" - Review by J.D.R. File 1944
1990.093V 5-13 Ph.D. Thesis - Further notes File [ca. 1926]
1990.093V 1-2 Lectures/Addresses: "Angry and tolerant humour" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-3 Lectures/Addresses: "The author and his public in the Age before Caxton" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-4 Lectures/Addresses: "Ballad and broadside in America" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-10 Lectures/Addresses: "Ballads and folksongs" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-13 Lectures/Addresses: "A few remarks about humour" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-17 Lectures/Addresses: "Humour" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-18 Lectures/Addresses: "Humour in Canadian life and literature" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-28 Lectures/Addresses: "Wild animals you may not have known" File [between 1946- 1952]
2 Records relating to writing and editing Series 1944-1951
1990.093V 3-7 [A Pocketful of Canada - Correspondence] File 1944-1946
1990.093V 3-8 Personal Correspondence File 1946
1990.093V 3-10 [A Pocketful of Canada - Correspondence] File 1945
1990.093V 5-5 Manuscript/typescript of untitled novel File [195?]
1990.093V 5-8 Class notebooks: English/First Year  File 1909-1913 
1990.093V 5-10 Class notebooks: English–Professor Pelham Edgar File 1909-1913
1990.093V 5-11 Class notebooks: Courses taken in Germany File 1909-1913
1 Records relating to teaching Series 1924-1952
1990.093V 1-7 Lectures/Addresses: "Ballads and broadsides II–Negro folk songs" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-15 Lectures/Addresses: "The folksong in Ontario" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-21 Lectures/Addresses: "Scott and the ballad" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-26 Lectures/Addresses: "The uselessness of libraries" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 2-1 Lectures /research and teaching notes: Canterbury Tales File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 2-3 Lectures /research and teaching notes: Folklore File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 2-4 Lectures /research and teaching notes: Glossary of Newfoundland words and phrases File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 2-7 Lectures /research and teaching notes: Old English/Middle English/History of the language File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 2-10 Lectures /research and teaching notes: Virginia Woolf File [between 1924-1951]
1990.093V 3-4 [A Pocketful of Canada - Articles] File ca 1946
1990.093V 3-5 [A Pocketful of Canada - Articles and Notes] File ca 1946
3 Student records Series 1909-1913
1990.093V 5-9 Class notebooks: English–Professors Stevenson and Wallace File 1909-1913
1990.093V 1-1 Lectures/Addresses: Various File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-6 Lectures/Addresses: "Ballad authorship" File [between 1946- 1952]
1990.093V 1-12 Lectures/Addresses: "The broadside" File [between 1946- 1952]
Results 1 to 50 of 72