Boyd Neel fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
A Library catalogues Series 1932-1982
1 Records and tapes catalogues File [1932-1981]
3 Hart House Orchestra : music library catalogue File [1954-1971]
4 Boyd Neel scores lists File 1965, 1970, 1974, 1982
020 Various works conducted by Boyd Neel File [1932-1954]
021, 028 CBC Symphony Orchestra : Mozart Symphony nos. 40 and 41 File January 30, 1956
012, 025 Toronto Symphony : concerts from two worlds File March 20, 1966
001 Hart House [Orchestra] : Surdine File October 5, 1967
014 [CBC radio] : Claude Champagne File October 25, 1967
016 Les illuminations : [CBC] Winnipeg Orchestra File 1973
027 Boyd Neel interview ; Naumburg Orchestra concert File July 30-31, 1974
003-006 CBC Winnipeg Festival 1975 File June 3, 1975
C Recordings Series 1932-1975
019 Boyd Neel String Orchestra : British music File [1932-1954]
030 Boyd Neel conducts Elgar, Ireland, Grieg, Sistek and Lotter File [1932-1954]
013 Enigma variations : CBC Symphony File [1952?]
022 CBC Symphony Orchestra [with Elizabeth Benson-Guy] File [November 12, 1961]
002 CBC radio : music and opinion File June 21, 1973
2 Boyd Neel Orchestra : music library [catalogue] File [1932-1954]
B Photographs Series [19--?]
011 Boyd Neel conducts Elgar and Delius File [1932-1954]
026 Boyd Neel Orchestra : unicorn recordings File 1956
024 Edward Elgar : Symphony nos. 1 and 2 File November 5, 1956 ; March 20, 1966
015 CBC Winnipeg Festival 1973 File June 16, 1973
017-018 Trial by jury : CBC centenary broadcast File [July 8], 1975
029 Stratford festival : Mozart's Concertone for two violins and orchestra, K. 190 File July 13, 1955
031 BBC Northern Orchestra : [Music by younger Canadian composers] File [December 19, 1955]
007-009 Signature [series] File 1956-1973
023 CBC Symphony Orchestra : Berwald Symphony no. 4 File [December 9, 1957]
010 Concert at Ottawa : [National Arts Centre Orchestra with Anton Kuerti] File October 25, 1971