Robert William McKay fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 National Research Council Series 1942-1946
B2013-0035/002ART Paper balloon board File n.d.
B2013-0035/001(08) C.A.O.R.G. report no. 15 File 1944
B2013-0035/001(16) Japanese balloon incidents File 1945
2 Manuscripts and publications Series 1922-1962
B2013-0035/002(03) O.R.F. Bulletin vol. 2, no. 7 File 1935
B2013-0035/002(04) O.R.F. Bulletin vol. 7, no. 4 File 1940
B2013-0035/002(10) Reversible component of magnetization File 1959
B2013-0035/003(01) Physics File 1955
B2013-0035/003ART Paper balloon parts File n.d.
B2013-0035/001(02) Photo of remains of paper balloon [removed from DoD File n.d.
B2013-0035/001(07) C.A.O.R.G. report no. 11 File 1944
B2013-0035/001(09) Min. of the Working Committee on Survey of Anti-Tank Mine Counter Measures File 1944
B2013-0035/001(13) C.A.O.R.G. report no. 22 File 1945
B2013-0035/001(14) C.A.O.R.G. report no. 27 File 1945
B2013-0035/002(05) Atomic bombs [in CATM no. 55] File 1945
B2013-0035/002(06) Japanese paper balloons [in The Engineering Journal vol. 28, no. 9] File 1945
B2013-0035/002(08) The decay of nitrogen afterglow File 1957
B2013-0035/002(09) The decay of the populations of metastable atoms and ions from the same D-C. discharge in neon File 1957
B2013-0035/002(11) Effect of previous history on switching rate in ferrites File 1960
B2013-0035/003(02) Appendix M File n.d.
B2013-0035/003(04) Storage systems File n.d.
B2013-0035/003(07) Some flipflops File 1958
B2013-0035/004(01) 2T9 physics and chemistry workbook File [192-]
B2013-0035/004(03) Treatise on thermodynamics [removed to library] File 1927
B2013-0035/001ART Paper balloon [flattened] File n.d.
B2013-0035/001(03) Map of Ottawa [oversize] File 1941
B2013-0035/001(04) Department of Defence File [1942-1946]
B2013-0035/001(05) C.A.O.R.G. report no. 2 File 1944
B2013-0035/001(11) Canada File 1945
B2013-0035/001(15) Japanese balloon incidents File 1945
B2013-0035/001(17) Min. of the 1st regular meeting of the Special Selection Committee on Appointments in National Defence Research File 1946
B2013-0035/002(12) The Hall effect and resistivity of tellurium File 1961
B2013-0035/002(13) Centrifugal force [in The Crucible] File 1962
B2013-0035/003(05) Report no. 79 File 1957
B2013-0035/004(04) [Work log, July] File n.d.
B2013-0035/004(05) Cumulative bibliography request File 1965
B2013-0035/001(01) Photo of newel post of central staircase in East Wing of University College [removed from DoD File n.d.
B2013-0035/001(06) C.A.O.R.G. report no. 5 File 1944
B2013-0035/001(10) Photos of pupil diameters O.11 File [1944]
B2013-0035/001(12) C.A.O.R.G. memorandum no. 19 File 1945
B2013-0035/002(01) Fathers versus sons [in Acta Ludi vol. 2, no. 1] File 1922
B2013-0035/002(02) The measurement of the dielectric constant of electrolytes File 1934
B2013-0035/002(07) The place of physics in medical training [in U of T Medical Journal vol. 26, no. 4] File 1949
3 Reports Series [19--]-1959
B2013-0035/003(03) [Figures and notations] File n.d.
B2013-0035/003(06) [Measurements of the reversible component of magnetization for two types of cores] File 1958
B2013-0035/003(08) Magnetization of ferrites File 1959
4 Education Series [192-]-1929
B2013-0035/004(02) Scholarships [correspondence and clippings] File [192-]
Results 1 to 50 of 52