Tashichi George Uyeno fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
S1 Personal and Business Series 1914-2018
001 Empire Import & Export Corporation, Standard Import & Export Corporation, Local Filatures Corporation File 1939-11-02 - 1941-12-02
004 Petersburg Hosiery Mills Inc. File 1939-12-23 - 1940-04-23
017 [Notes] File March 3, 1941
022 [San Tai Kung Ssu] File 1939-10-03 - 1940-01-27
029 [Vancouver Shoyu Manufacturers Ltd.] File 1941-12-20 - 1942-12-25
030 [Tashme, B.C.] File 1943 - 1945
036 Catalogue of Real property for Sale by Public Tender, No. 2 Issue File 1943
044 [Ledger] File 1932 - ?
049 [World map] File [194-]
056 [Life Insurance] File 1923-07-01 - 1958-11-01
057 [Office of the Custodian Japanese Section] File November 24, 1942
058 [Akiko Uyeno citizenship] File After 1947
063 Certificate of Canadian Citizenship File April 26, 1956
064 Commemoration of Canadian Citizenship File [19--]
066 [Tashichi Uyeno identification] File 1931-06-10 - ?
069 [Letters addressed to Mr. M. T. Uyeno] File [194-]
077 [Correspondence from Old Age Pension Board] File January 24, 1947
081 [Chartered Accountants] File May 1, 1942
082 [Old Age Pensions Commission] File January 8, 1948
083 Memorandum of Rental Contract File [194-]
086 Canadian Pacific Railway Company Straight Bill of Lading File March 25, 1946
088 [Reference letters] File 1945
100 Former Eatonville Roadhouse one of five sites in Chatham-Kent to honour Japanese Canadians File August 15, 2018
101 [School diplomas] File 1914-03-29 - 1916-03-26
107 [Photograph of Course 5516] File 1955 - ?
084 [Receipts] File 1942-05-28 - 1945-07-04
087 Income Tax File August 1949
089 [Request to travel to Vancouver] File 1943-11-10 - 1943-11-11
092 [Letter to Mrs. A. Uyeno] File [194-]
098 [Immunization] File 1946-02-28 - 1947-10-06
102 International Correspondence Schools Diploma File March 25, 1932
S2 Godfrey Uyeno Series 1955-2005
104 Pilot Officer File October 16, 1957
105 The Object of Disciplinary Training File [195-]
106 Certificate of Service File
108 Special Service Medal with NATO Bar File December 15, 2005
006 [Empire Import & Export Corp. correspondence] File 1939-07-17 - 1941-10-31
008 [Handwritten business letter] File April 23, 1941
009 [Notepad] File [194-]
012 Richmond Trading Co.: Acct. of San Tai Kung SSU File 1940 - 1941
019 [Customs forms] File November 13, 1939
021 Private code words File [1939]
023 [San Tai Kung Ssu and family letters] File 1939-04-02 - 1940-04-13
024 Mohachi Uyeno - Canadian Currency Ledger Book File 1939-10-17 - 1942-03-01
031 [Foreign Exchange] File 1940-11-06 - 1942-01-26
033 [Vancouver Shoyu Manufacturers Ltd.] File 1939 - 1942
035 Vancouver Shoyu Mfgrs Ltd File 1939-07-01 - 1941
041 [Sales Record] File 1930 - 1942
042 [North Vancouver House] File 1939-05-11 - 1947-04-14
Results 1 to 50 of 112