James E. Till fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
B2005-0031/022(37) Till JE. Appraisal of priorities for cancer control research: the case of research on health-related quality of life. 27 September 1994. Unpublished manuscript File 1994
B2005-0031/022(39) Osoba D, Till JE, Pater JL, Young JR, Health-related quality of life: measurement and clinical application. A workshop report, Canadian Journal of Oncology, 5(1), 338-43, March 1995 File 1995
B2005-0031/022(42) Cormack DV, Fisher PM, Till JE, A study of waiting times and waiting lists for radiation therapy patients, Canadian Journal of Oncology, 6(1), 427-34, June 1996 File 1996
B2005-0031/023(05) Till JE, Peer review in a post-eprints world: a proposal, Journal of Medical Internet Research [electronic Resource], 2(3), E14, 2000 File 2000-2005
B2005-0031/023(06) Till JE, Predecessors of preprint servers, Learned Publishing, 14(1), 7-13, Jan 2001 File 2001
B2005-0031/026 Addresses File 1997-2002
B2005-0031/001P(01) Thomas W. Eadie Medal of the Royal Society of Canada removed from /001(06) File
B2005-0031/001P(02) National Cancer Institute of Canada's Centre for Behavioural Research and Program Evaluation workshop, File 24 November, 1995
B2005-0031/001P(03) Alan Forsyth Howaston removed from /003(04) File
B2005-0031/001P(07) Informal photograph of Michael Smith after he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry removed from box 008(05) File
B2005-0031/001P(08)-(09) Till family photographs File 1910-1958
B2005-0031/001P(14)-(17) J.E.Till portraits File 196- - 1978
B2010-0028/001P(02) NCI. Advisory Committee on Research (1993-1994). Group photograph. Michael Smith holding Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Others identified on back of photograph including Jim Till. File 1993
B2010-0028/001(03)-(11) Honours, Awards File 1967-2007
B2005-0031/001(12)-(16) “A” miscellaneous – Raymond Milton Baker File 1967-2003
B2005-0031/002 Barofsky, Ivan – “C” miscellaneous File 1962-2005
B2005-0031/006 Mayer, Musa – Kazuiyo Onodera File 1968-2005
B2005-0031/013 NCIC Advisory Committee on Research – Centre for Behavioural Research and Program Evaluation File 1993-2001
B2005-0031/014 NCIC Centre for Behavioural Research and Program Evaluation – OCI/PMH Board retreat (1994) File 1974-2005
B2005-0031/015 OCI/PMH. Retreat re Board restructuring (1995) – Planning documents File 1981-1996
B2005-0031/016(01)-(13) OCI/PMH. Planning committee’s subcommittee on governance – Site visit (3 November 1986) File 1974-1998
B2005-0031/016(14)-(22) Addiction Research Foundation - Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation File 1975-2000
6 Research Series 1963-2002
B2005-0031/017(01)-(06) Growth models – Iceland and privacy legislation File 1963-2002
B2005-0031/018(01) Letters to the editor File 1970-2002
B2005-0031/018(07) Till JE [and (?)], Giant cells in X-irradiated animal cell culture, Parts I and II. Unpublished (?) manuscript File [195-]
B2005-0031/018(17) Whitmore GF, Stanners CP, Till JE, Gulvas S, Nucleic acid synthesis and the division cycle in x-irradiated L-strain mouse cells, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 47, 66-77, 1961 File 1961
B2005-0031/018(20) Till JE, Radiation effects on the division cycle of mammalian cells in vitro, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 95, Article 2, 911-919, 13 November 1961. Drafts File 1960-1961
B2005-0031/018(22) Hunt JW, Till JE, Williams JF, Radiation damage and free radical production in irradiated ribonuclease, Radiation Research, 17(5), 703-711, November 1962 File 1962
B2005-0031/018(23) Till JE, McCulloch EA, Early repair processes in marrow cells irradiated and proliferating in vivo, Radiation Research, 18(1), 96-105, January 1963. Correspondence File 1962-1987
B2005-0031/019(08) Siminovitch L, McCulloch EA, Till JE, The distribution of colony-forming cells among spleen colonies, Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, 62(3), 327-36, 01 Dec 1963 File 1963, 2005
B2005-0031/019(09) Whitmore GF, Till JE, Quantitation of cellular radiobio-logical responses, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, 14, 347-74, 1964 File 1964
B2005-0031/019(12) McCulloch EA, Siminovitch L, Till JE, Spleen-colony formation in anemic mice of genotype WWv, Science, 144, 844-846, 15 May 1964 File 1963-1964
B2005-0031/019(13) McCulloch EA, Till JE, Proliferation of hemopoietic colony-forming cells transplanted into irradiated mice, Radiation Research, 22(2), 383-397, June 1964 File 1964
B2005-0031/019(15) Till JE, McCulloch EA, Siminovitch L, Isolation of variant cell lines during serial transplantation of hematopoietic cells derived from fetal liver, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 33(4), 707-720, October 1964 File 1964-1967
B2005-0031/019(16) Till JE, McCulloch EA, Siminovitch L, Isolation of variant cell lines during serial transplantation of hematopoietic cells derived from fetal liver, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 33(4), October 1964, 707-720. Figures and photos for article File 1964
B2005-0031/019(19) McCulloch EA, Till JE, Siminovitch L, Host-cell interactions in mice bearing isologous hemopoietic grafts, in CNRS Collique sur la Greffe de Cellules H File 1965
B2005-0031/019(22) Bruchovsky N, Owen A, Becker AJ, Till JE, Effect of vinblastine on the proliferative capacity of L cells and their progress through the division cycle, Cancer Research, 25, 1232-7, September 1965 File 1965
B2005-0031/019(26) Kennedy JC, Siminovitch L, Till JE, McCulloch EA, A transplantation assay for mouse cells responsive to antigenic stimulation by sheep erythrocytes, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 120(3), 868-73, December 1965. Includes photos File 1965-1966
B2005-0031/020(06) Fowler JH, Wu AM, Till JE, McCulloch EA, Siminovitch L, The cellular composition of hemopoietic spleen colonies, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 69, 65-72, February 1967 File 1966-1973
B2005-0031/020(15) Till JE, McCulloch EA, Stem cell function related to the repair of radiation damage, in Recovery and Repair Mechanisms in Radiobiology, Proceedings of the Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, No. 20, 161-168, 1967 File 1967
B2005-0031/020(17) Wu AM, Till JE, Siminovitch L, McCulloch EA, Cytological evidence for a relationship between normal hemotopoietic colony-forming cells and cells of the lymphoid system, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 127(3), 455-64, 1 March 1968. Includes photos. File 1968, 1997
B2005-0031/020(20) Till JE, Growth and differentiation of mammalian cells, for Volume III of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, ed. Arthur Cole. (Manuscript submitted but project abandoned.) Correspondence re File 1967-1974
B2005-0031/020(22) Worton RG, McCulloch EA, Till JE, Physical separation of hemopoietic stem cells differing in their capacity for self-renewal, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 130(1), 91-103, 1 July 1969 File 1969
B2005-0031/020(24) McCulloch EA, Till JE, Cellular interactions in the control of hemopoiesis, in Frederick Stohlman, ed., Hemopoietic Cellular Proliferation, New York: Grune & Stratton, Inc., 1970, 15-25 File 1970
B2005-0031/020(25) McCulloch EA, Thompson MW, Siminovitch L, Till JE, Effects of bacterial endotoxin on hemopoietic colony-forming cells in the spleens of normal mice and mice of genotype S1/S1d, Cell and Tissue Kinetics, 3(1), 47-54, January 1970 File 1970
B2005-0031/020(30) McCulloch EA, Till JE, Effects of short-term culture on populations of hemopoietic progenitor cells from mouse marrow, Cell and Tissue Kinetics, 4(1), 11-20, January 1971 File 1971
B2005-0031/020(32) Austin PE, McCulloch EA, Till JE, Characterization of the factor in L-cell conditioned medium capable of stimulating colony formation by mouse marrow cells in culture, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 77(2), 121-34, April 1971 File 1971
B2005-0031/020(33) Brunette DM, Till JE, A rapid method for the isolation of L-cell surface membranes using aqueous two-phase polymer system, Journal of Membrane Biology, 5, 215-24, 1971 File 1971-1976
B2005-0031/020(36) McCulloch EA, Till JE, Regulatory mechanisms acting on hemopoietic stem cells: some clinical implications, American Journal of Pathology, 65(3), 601-619, December 1971 File 1971-1973
Results 1 to 50 of 313