L’Arche Renewal 1979 Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 Jean Vanier, "Our Journey to Wholeness" Item 1979
4 Jean Vanier, "Authority and Structures" Item 1979
5 Stephen Verney, Bishop of Repton, "St. John's Gospel, Chapters 2 and 3" Item 1979
7 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapters 6-9" Item 1979
8 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapter 10" Item 1979
13 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapter 17" Item 1979
14 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapters 18 and 19" Item 1979
24 Michael Hollings, Retreat 3: "Faith - Abraham and St. Thomas", Retreat 4: "What Interested Jesus in this World - The Father's Will" Item 1979
1 Jean Vanier, "The Prophetic Cry of Marginal People" Item 1979
3 Jean Vanier, "Important Stages to Growth" Item 1979
9 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapter 11" Item 1979
10 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapter 12" Item 1979
11 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapter 13" Item 1979
12 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapters 14 and 15" Item 1979
15 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapters 20 and 21" Item 1979
17 Fred Blum, "The Wounded Healer" Item 1979
18 Jean Vanier, "Evaluation after 3 weeks, Responsibility for Growth" Item 1979
23 Michael Hollings, Retreat 1: "God Loves Me - My Response", Retreat 2: "Come Away and Be Still" Item 1979
25 Michael Hollings, Retreat 5: "What Interested Jesus in this World - People", Retreat 6: "Mary's Interests - The Father's Will and People" Item 1979
27 Michael Hollings, Retreat 9 and Retreat 10 Item 1979
29 Jean Vanier, "Celebrations" Item 1979
31 Peter McLachlan, "Violence" (continued) Item 1979
6 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapters 4 and 5" Item 1979
16 Stephen Verney, "St. John's Gospel, Chapter 1" Item 1979
19 Jack Dunham, "Stress in Residential Care" (part 1) Item 1979
20 Jack Dunham, "Stress in Residential Care" (part 2) Item 1979
21 Jack Dunham, "Stress in Residential Care" (part 2 continued) Item 1979
22 Jack Dunham, "Stress in Residential Care" (continued) Item 1979
26 Michael Hollings, Retreat 7 and Retreat 8 Item 1979
28 Dr. Tom West, "Caring for the Dying" Item 1979
30 Peter McLachlan, "Violence" Item 1979