Leslie Curry fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
B2009-0042/002(01) “Aggregate dynamic urban models oriented towards policy” (with R.D. McKinnon et al). Centre for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto, 419pp File 1972
B2009-0042/002(03) “Position, flow and person in theoretical geography” in Time and Regional Dynamics, vol. 3 of Timing-space and spacing time. Eds., T.Carlstein,D. Parkes and N. Thrift. London: Edward Arnold. File 1978
B2009-0042/002(08) “A trade localization operator: the conservative case”. Canadian Geographer, 28, 4, 1984, pp 373-376 File 1984
B2009-0042/002(10) “Trade as spatial interaction and central places”. In D.A.Griffithand R.P. Haining (eds) Transformations through space and time N.A.T.O. Advanced Studies Institute Series. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1986 pp 27-58 File 1986
B2009-0042/002(14) “Evolutionary mechanisms of the spatial economy”. Unpublished paper File [1989?]
B2009-0042/002(16) “The need for cumulative synthetic theory” Canadian geographer, 35, 1, 1991, pp 2-9 File 1991
B2009-0042/002(18) “The going concern as geographical evolution” N.S.F. Conference, University of Connecticut, Storrs – website publication File 1997
1 Correspondence Series 1962-2008
2 Manuscripts Series ca 1960 to 2006
B2009-0042/001(12)-(13) “Statistical Spatial Analysis and Remotely Sensed Imagery”, (with E.B. McDougall). Final Report to United States Geological Survey, 218pp File 1972
B2009-0042/002(11) “Endogenous geographical change in the economy” in Innovation and the diffusion of technology Vol 12 Advances in modeling innovation diffusion. “forthcoming” -- check File 1986
B2009-0042/002(12) “The gravity model as a transfer function” unpublished paper File [post 1986]
B2009-0042/002(15) “Toronto commuting: leveling the gravity playing field”. Paper/ presentation File [post 1990?]
3 Teaching Series ca 1974-1975
B2009-0042/001(09) “A note on spatial association”, Professional Geographer, 18, pp 97-99 File 1966
B2009-0042/001(10) “A wave statistics model for climate time series”, Colloquium on Time Series Analysis. Kansa Geological Survey Computer Contribution 18, pp. 46-50 File 1967
B2009-0042/001(11) “Univariate spatial forecasting”, Proceedings of the International Geographic Union Commission of Quantitative Methods. Economic Geography, 46, 2 pp 241-258 File 1969
B2009-0042/002(02) “Stochastic spatial distributions in equilibrium: settlement theory” in Man,culture and settlement: essays in honor or Professor R.L. Singh. Eds. Kalyani Pubx., New Delhi pp 228-237. File 1977
B2009-0042/002(06) “Towards a theory of behaviour and structure” Discussion papers, No. 29, Department of Geography, University of Toronto File May 1981
B2009-0042/002(13) “Areal heterogeneity and labour returns” London papers in regional science 17, pp 101-115 File 1987
B2009-0042/002(20) “Spatial entropy: its significance and conservation” Unpublished paper.[similar title to “Spatial Entropy” in International Georgraphy 1972. Toronto. University of Toronto Press, 1972] File [2006?]
B2009-0042/001(08) “Meridional Transfer as a Stochastic Process.” Unpublished paper File ca 1960
B2009-0042/002(04) “Some ecological aspects of occupational structure”. Paper presented at the IGU Working Group on Systems Analysis and Mathematical Models Sessions at the AAG meetings, Philadelphia, April 1979 File 1979
B2009-0042/002(05) “Macro-ecology of vacancy chains” in Dynamic Spatial Models. Eds D.A. Griffith and R. MacDinnon, NATO Advanced Studies Institute, and Noordhoff, pp 159-185 File 1981
B2009-0042/002(07) “3D statistics of landforms from single air photos: a hypothesis”. Geo-processing 2, 1, 1982, pp 51-64 File 1982
B2009-0042/002(09) “On the specification of geographical models” unpublished paper File [post 1985]
B2009-0042/002(17) “Site and situation, an economic interpretation” . Unpublished paper File [post 1993]
B2009-0042/002(19) “A random walk in Terra Incognita” in P. Gould and F.R. Pitts (eds).”Geographical voices” Syracuse University Press, 2002 pp. 81-98 File 2002