Records related to programs and degrees Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1992.042V 4-4 Ecumenics File 1962
1992.042V 7-2 Summer School (Montreal) File 1967
1994.040V 2-6 Homiletics and Pastoral Theology File 1936-1937
2002.105V 7-2 Course/curriculum records File 1978-1979
2004.088V 2-6 Centre for Studies of Aging File 1992-1994
2004.088V 2-7 Centre for Study of Religion in Canada File 1995-1996
2004.088V 13-9 Peace, Justice and Society course File 1981-1998
2015.03V 1-13 Contextual Education File 2010-2011
2015.03V 5-1 Centre for Asian Theology File 1996-2001
2015.03V 5-7 Licentiate in Theology File 1988-2002
2015.03V 5-9 Lay Certificate File 2003-2004
2017.13V 2-9 Emmanuel College: Basic Degree Handbook 2005-2006 File 2005-2006
2017.13V 4-4 M.Div. Requirements File 2002-2003
1992.042V 2-2 B.R.E. programme File 1968-1969
1992.042V 2-3 B. Th. degree File 1969-1970
1992.042V 7-3 Summer School (Toronto) File 1966
2004.088V 12-5 Momentum in Ministry, continuing education EC File 1986-1987
2004.088V 12-7 Momentum in Ministry  File 1988-1996
2015.03V 6-4 Aboriginal Spirituality course proposal and syllabus File 2007
2017.13V 4-6 M.Div. / M.S.W. - Combined Deg File 1987-1994
2017.13V 4-7 M.R.E. Studies at Emmanuel File 1985-2003
2017.13V 6-16 Proposal for a Master of Sacred Music Program File 2008
1992.042V 2-23 Continuing education File 1969-1971
1992.042V 5-10 Licentiate in Theology File 1966-1968
1992.042V 5-14 Minister in Residence Programme File 1967-1971
1992.042V 5-15 Minister in Residence Programme File 1971-1972
1992.042V 5-16 Minister in Residence Programme File 1972-1973
1992.042V 6-10 Pre-seminary education File 1961-1963
1992.042V 6-26 Summer School File 1969-1970
1992.042V 7-4 Summer School (Toronto) File 1968
2004.088V 6-5 Field education guidelines (Klassens) File 1992-1993
2004.088V 11-9 M. Div & MRE degrees, D Min degree File 1969-1976
2004.088V 12-4 Ministry workshops File 1988-1996
2017.13V 2-8 Emmanuel College: Advanced Degree Handbook 2005-2006 File 2005-2006
1992.042V 7-1 Summer School for Clergy, Montreal File 1965
1992.042V 7-5 Theological curriculum File 1947
1994.040V 1-2 Bachelor of Religious Education  File 1954-1956
2004.088V 2-5 Centre for Christian Studies EC File 1976-1989
2004.088V 2-8 Church and Society, pilot project File 1982-1984
2004.088V 4-8 Emmanuel College : grad summer school, Westminster College, London, Ont. File 1977-1979
2004.088V 6-4 Field education guidelines (Klassens) File 1989
2004.088V 6-6 Field education in Emmanuel College File 1969-1977
2004.088V 6-7 Field education in Emmanuel College File 1990-1993
2004.088V 12-6 Momentum in Ministry, continuing education File 1988-1992
2015.03V 1-12 Centre for Asian Theology File 2009-2013
2015.03V 5-3 Church Music Review File 1999-2000
2017.13V 2-2 Diploma in Health and Wholeness File 1998-2000
2017.13V 2-10 Emmanuel College: Draft degree proposals - March 6, 1997 File 1997
2017.13V 3-3 Lay Certificate Event - November 1, 1997 File 1997
2017.13V 3-4 Lay Certificate Event Fair - November 1, 1997 File 1997
Results 1 to 50 of 55