Galbraith 1978 accession Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Biographical Series 1909-1934
B1978-0018/001(04) Honours: 25th Annual Dinner of the Engineering Society, in honour of Dean Galbrairth, 5.12.1913. Menu, Songs, Press coverage. File 1913
B1978-0018/001(05) Honours: Banquet to Dean Galbraith, Ottawa, 28.3.1914 Menu File 1914
B1978-0018/001(10) Tribute: "The Work of Our Late Dean Galbraith", Applied Science, New Series, X, 9 [January 1915], 219-221. File 1915
B1978-0018/001(12) Tribute: In Official Proceedings of the New York Railroad Club, 43, 3 [January 1933], p. 10, 203, with covering letter to Mrs. Jamieson from T. Kennard Thomson, 5.1.1934 File 1934
3 Correspondence Series 1893-1914, 1952
B1978-0018/002(04) Notebook containing addresses and miscellaneous notes File n.d.
B1978-0018/002(07) Notebook: "Ojibwa Phrases" File June 1877
B1978-0018/002(10) Diary of trip to Hudson Bay, with outfitting lists and entries for June 10 to September 6, 1881 File 1881
B1978-0018/002(08) Notebook: "Exercises in Ojibwa", 26.2.1878 File 1878
B1978-0018/002(11) Notebook of trip to Hudson Bay, containing sketches of First Nations guides, drawings of the route taken, and various scientific observations File 1881
B1978-0018/002(12) Notebook containing notes on structural steel, 1906 and on the Southampton Bridge, 1912. File 1906, 1912
B1978-0018/001(01) Family tree and family history File
B1978-0018/001(03) Honours: "Applied Science Dinner", Applied Science, New Series, II, 4 [February 1909], 139-147 File 1909
B1978-0018/001(08) Tribute: "Engineering Society Meeting Dedicated to the Memory of the late Dean John Galbraith, M.A., L.L.D.", Applied Science, New Series, IX, 8 [December 1914], 189-196. File 1914
B1978-0018/001(09) Tribute: T. Kennard Thomson, "An Appreciation of the late Dean John Galbraith, M.A., L.L.D.", typescript, 9.12.1914 File 1914
B1978-0018/001(11) Tribute: In "Thomas Henry Alison", Memoirs, Memoir 578, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1932. 3 pp. File 1932
B1978-0018/002(05) Notebook containing Chippewa vocabulary and diary with entries from June 11 to August 2, 1866 File 1866
B1978-0018/002(06) Notebook containing accounts for 1871 and record of receipts for 1873 File 1871-1873
6 Photographs Series [ca. 1870]
B1978-0018/001(02) "Reminiscence of Sixty Years Ago" File n.d.
B1978-0018/001(06) Obituary: "Our Beloved Dean Galbraith", Applied Science, New Series, IX, 3 [July 1914], 53-60. File 1914
B1978-0018/001(07) Obituary: "John Galbraith", University Monthly, XVI, 1 [November 1914], 6-13 File 1914
2 Addresses Series 1909, [ca. 1913]
4 Diaries and Notebooks Series 1866-1912
B1978-0018/002(09) Notebook containing description of lots in Port Hope and mathematical calculations for engineering work File 1877-1878
5 Bridge Inquiries Series 1907-1961, predominantly 1907-1912