Henri Nouwen fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
07 Drafts of Intimacy File [between 1967 and 1969]
08 Draft of Voorwoord by de heruitgave van dere notities over het gebe File [1988?]
10 Drafts of Aging File [between 1971 and 1974]
27 Notes for A spirituality of peacemaking File [1982]
28 Letters regarding A spirituality of peacemaking File October 1982 - December 1984
34 Drafts of Lifesigns File 1985 - 1986
35 Photographs for Behold the beauty of the Lord File 1983 - 1984
P3455 Photograph card for Behold the beauty of the Lord Item 1983 - 1984
39 Notes by Nouwen for The road to Daybreak File [1987?]
44 Drafts of Heart speaks to heart File 1988
50 Drafts and notes for Mary, mother of the priest File 1988
53 Draft of Life of the Beloved File 1991 - ?
66 The Flying Rodleighs - The Circus File 1992 - 1993
68 Draft of The Flying Rodleighs - Chapters 1 and 2 File 1992 - 1993
79 Draft of Ministry and spirituality File January 1996
88 Draft of Christus in Israel File 1960
89 Draft of Joden in Israel File 1960
90 Drafts of Selma 1965 File 1965
98 Draft of Christian leadership of tomorrow File [between 1970 and 1972]
100 Draft of Education to the ministry File 1972
102 Draft of In memory of Gus van der Woude File August 1975
105 Drafts of Joel and Joelito Filartiga File [1980 - 1981?]
108 Draft book review of We drink from our own wells File August 1983
109 Draft of The suffering Christ File 1983
111 Draft of A spirituality of peacemaking File April 1985
114 Draft of The icon of the Virgin of Vladimir File 1985
116 Draft of L'icone de la Sainte-Trinité File 1986
118 Drafts of The life in faith File 1988
119 Drafts of Becoming poor before God File 1988
124 Drafts of God's will, acceptance of File 1990
127 Draft of Preparing for death File [between 1992 and 1996]
128-1, 128-2 Drafts of Power, powerlessness and power File 1993
135 Draft of introduction to Life and holiness File 1996
05 Confession and forgiveness Item [1966?]
06 The immaculate conception of the blessed virgin Mary Item [between 1960 and 1975]
08 Sermon on Romans 13:10-12 Item 1966
11 Sermon on It is my pleasure to give as much to this late comer as to thee Item [between 1960 and 1975]
13 Why do you invite people for dinner? Item [between 1960 and 1975]
14 Sermon on What do you think of the priest? Item April 1967
15 Sermon on Jesus changes the water into wine ... wine into His own blood Item [between 1960 and 1975]
17 Be renewed in the spirit of your mind Item [between 1960 and 1975]
145 Draft of The birth of Christ File December 1964
12 Sermon on Palm Sunday Item April 1973
14 On silence Item March 1972
15 Silence Item [between 1971 and 1975]
16 About Zaccheus, who climbed the sycamore tree Item [between 1971 and 1975]
156 Notes for talk on Vincent van Gogh File [between 1975 and 1981]
01 Lenten meditations Item [between 1977 and 1981]
02 This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to Him Item November 1979
03 Meditation on prayer Item November 1979
Results 1 to 50 of 15230