Identity area
Reference code
- 196[3]-2016 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
Overall total number of items: 20. Total RT: 13:37:21. Plus digital items: 1010. Total RT: 16:59:02.
• 9 audio cassettes, RT 6:35:00
• 1 audio cassette : DA88, RT 0:50:00
• 5 audio cassettes : DAT, RT 3:49:00
• 1 open reel : audio ; 1/4 in., 5 in. reel, RT 0:10:00
• 2 open reels : audio ; 1/4 in., 10 in. reel, RT 0:54:00
• 1 optical disc : MiniDisc ; audio, 1:14:45
• 1 optical disc : DVD-R ; 1 AIFF file, RT 0:04:36
• Plus
• 114 AIFF files, RT 0:45:18
• 4 AIF files, RT 0:38:57
• 152 mp3 files, RT 3:07:52
• 740 mp4 files, RT 12:26:55
Overall total number of items: 20.
• 2 external computer hard drives
• 14 optical discs : CD-R ; data
• 3 optical discs : DVD-R ; data
• 1 optical disc : MiniDisc ; data
Overall total number of items: 353. Total b&w: 147. Total colour: 206.
• 3 flyers : b&w ; 4 x 8 in.
• 1 flyer : b&w ; 6 x 8 in.
• 37 flyers : b&w ; 8 1/2 x 11 in.
• 1 flyer proof : b&w ; 4 x 8 in.
• 29 postcards : b&w ; 4 x 6 in.
• 14 postcards : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
• 1 postcard proof : b&w ; 6 x 8 in.
• 28 posters : b&w ; 8 1/2 x 11 in.
• 23 posters : b&w ; 8 1/2 x 14 in.
• 2 posters : b&w ; 11 x 14 in.
• 1 poster : b&w ; 11 x 17 in.
• 1 poster : b&w ; 14 x 22 in.
• 1 poster : b&w ; 18 x 24 in.
• 1 poster : b&w ; 24 x 32 in.
• 2 posters : b&w ; 24 x 36 in.
• 1 poster mock-up : b&w ; 8 1/2 x 11 in.
• 1 poster proof : b&w ; 8 1/2 x 11 in.
• 1 art proof : colour ; 9 1/2 x 11 in.
• 1 art proof : colour ; 9 x 12 in.
• 1 flyer : colour ; 7 x 9 in.
• 55 flyers : colour ; 8 1/2 x 11 in.
• 138 postcards : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
• 1 postcard : colour ; 6 x 8 1/2 in.
• 3 posters : colour ; 8 1/2 x 11 in.
• 1 poster : colour ; 11 x 17 in.
• 1 poster : colour ; 14 x 21 in.
• 2 posters : colour ; 18 x 24 in.
• 2 posters : colour ; 24 x 32 in.
Moving Image
Overall total number of items: 216. Overall total RT: 23:37:18. Total b&w: 40. Total b&w and colour: 9. Total colour: 158.
• 14 reels : b&w print ; Super 8mm, 1780 ft., RT 1:58:00
• 19 reels : b&w negative ; 16mm, 5500ft., RT 2:35:34
• 5 reels : b&w print ; 16mm, 925 ft., RT 0:25:41
• 1 reel : b&w print, optical sound ; 16mm, 300 ft., RT 0:08:20
• 1 reel : b&w work print ; 16mm, 150 ft., 0:04:10
• 2 reels : colour and b&w negative ; 16mm, 3730 ft., RT 1:43:57
• 8 reels : colour and b&w print ; Super 8mm, 1750 ft., RT 1:52:00
• 1 reel : colour and b&w print : 16mm, 200 ft., RT 0:05:33
• 83 reels : colour print ; Super 8 mm, 7975 ft., RT 6:33:00
• 1 reel : colour interpositive ; 16mm. 260 ft., 0:07:13
• 18 reels : colour negative ; 16mm, 5250 ft., RT 2:25:49
• 47 reels : colour print ; 16mm, 3775 ft., RT 1:44:50
• 3 reels : colour print, optical sound ; 16mm, 2125 ft., 0:57:47
• 1 reel : colour work print ; 16mm, 200 ft., RT 0:05:33
• 5 reels : colour release print, optical soundtrack ; 35mm, 8250 ft., RT 1:31:40
• 5 reels : full coat magnetic audio ; 16mm, 950 ft., 0:26:23
• 2 reels : optical sound ; 16mm, 1865 ft., RT 0:51:48
Overall total number of items: 31.
• 2 DVD cases : dimensions variable
• 1 plastic reel : 3 in.
• 26 identification cards : dimensions variable
• 1 Super 8 film can : 5 in.
• 1 Super 8 can with reel : 7 in.
Overall total number of items: 789. Total b&w: 334. Total colour: 455. Plus total digital: 3680.
• 8 contact sheets : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
• 10 contact sheets : b&w ; dimensions variable
• 219 frame negatives : b&w ; 35mm
• 1 print : b&w : 3 x 5 in.
• 4 prints : b&w ; 4 x 6 in.
• 3 prints : b&w ; 5 x 7 in.
• 2 prints : b&w : 5 x 8 in.
• 76 prints : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
• 11 prints : b&w ; dimensions variable
• 24 frame negatives : colour ; 35mm
• 5 prints : colour ; 3 x 5 in.
• 1 print : colour 3 1/2 x 5 in.
• 4 prints : colour ; 4 x 5 in.
• 9 prints : colour ; 4 x 6 in.
• 2 prints : colour ; 8 1/2 x 11 in.
• 76 transparencies : colour ; 35mm, mounted
• Plus
• 15 optical discs containing 3,572 JPEG files and 108 TIFF files
2.6 meters, textual materials.
Overall totall number of items: 243. Total RT: 178:35:27, plus 9463 digital items, Total RT: 210:52:02.
• 4 digital video discs : BluRay, RT 3:15:34
• 24 digital video discs : DVD, RT 16:09:10
• 35 digital video discs : DVD-R, RT 14:38:01
• 3 open reels : video ; 1 in., RT 1:18:30
• 3 video cassettes : 3/4 in. Umatic, RT 0:27:50
• 2 video cassettes : 8mm, RT 4:00:00
• 1 video cassette : Beta, RT 1:30:00
• 15 video cassettes : Betacam SP, RT 7:34:34
• 6 video cassettes : Digital Betacam, RT 4:09:05
• 3 video cassettes : DVCAM, RT 1:48:08
• 1 video cassette : Hi8, RT 2:00:00
• 93 video cassette, : MiniDV, RT 89:56:53
• 51 video cassettes : VHS, RT 30:53:55
• Plus
• 1 optical disc : DVD-R ; 1 MOV file, RT 0:07:26
• 1 optical disc : DVD-R ; 1 MP4 file, RT 0:46:21
• plus
• 9153 mov files, RT 202:27:58
• 310 mxf files, RT 08:24:04
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Annette Mangaard was born in 1956 in Vaerlose, Denmark. She and her family emigrated to Canada in 1960, and she grew up in Scarborough, Ontario. She attended the Ontario College of Art and design from 1977 to 1981, completing an honours degree in painting and printmaking. In 1981, Mangaard moved to Baker Lake, Nunavut, bringing with her a Super 8 camera and five reels of film. After a year of isolation, Mangaard returned to Toronto, determined to become a filmmaker.
Mangaard’s first forays into film were loose and intuitive Super 8 shorts, made nearly contemporaneously. Her first film, “Line Through Bath,” (1984) documented an art installation in Bath, England. “Nothing by Mouth” (1984) and “She Bit Me Seriously” (1984) followed, with the latter being screened at The Funnel, an experimental film collective where Mangaard was a member. It was at The Funnel that Mangaard began to explore 16mm filmmaking. While she enjoyed the immediacy of Super 8, there were fewer opportunities to exhibit small gauge films. Her next experimental works, “There is in power … seduction” (1985), “Her Soil is Gold” (1985), “The Tyranny of Architecture” (1987) and “The Iconography of Venus” (1987) were all made in 16mm.
Mangaard then branched out into scripted fare, with the “new wave road comedy” “Northbound Cairo” (1987), as well as the deeply personal “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You.” (1992), for which she repurposed her footage shot in Baker Lake a decade earlier. During a residency at the Canadian Film Centre, Mangaard made the short drama “94 Arcana Drive” (1993). She then made her debut as a feature writer and director with “Fish Tale Soup” (1996), a sweetly comedic look at a couple dealing with infertility issues. She also returned to autobiographical themes with the film “Into the Night” (2006), a personal exploration of her struggle with insomnia.
Mangaard also turned her camera towards documentary subjects – in particular, artists and the process of making art. Notable works along these lines include “A Dialogue With Vision: The Art of Spring Hurlbut and Judith Schwarz” (1990), “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs” (2004), “General Idea: Art, Aids and the Fin de Siecle” (2007), “Kingaait: Riding Light into the World” (2010) and “Suzy Lake: Playing With Time” (2014).
Mangaard’s films and documentaries have screened all over the world. Notable festival credits include PAFID (Patagonia) in Argentina, Hot Docs and TIFF in Toronto, DOCSDF Mexico City Film Festival, Atlantic Film Festival, Halifax and Millenium, New York. Notable solo screenings include the Pacific Cinematheque in Vancouver, Canada and the Kino Arsenal Cinematheque in Berlin, West Germany. She was also honoured with a career retrospective of her film works at the Cinemateque Palais de Kino in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Alongside her filmmaking, Mangaard’s video installation work has appeared at Nuit Blanche, Toronto, The Confederation Art Gallery in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Olympic Park in Sydney Australia, South-on Sea, Liverpool and Manchester, UK, and Broken Hill, Australia. She is the cofounder of the Images Festival, and has sat on the board of The Funnel, The Toronto Arts Council, LIFT, and the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre. In 2017, she received her MFA in in Interdisciplinary Media, Art and Design from OCADU in 2017 and was awarded the gold medal for her outstanding graduate work.
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
The collection is arranged largely in the creator’s original order, by box number. All box numbers referenced henceforth are the creator’s box numbers (except where the box number was not indicated, or was duplicated, and a unique box number was supplied by the archivist).
Box 1 includes textual records related to exhibition work, as well as showings at film festivals, including exhibition and festival programmes, press clippings, photographs, posters, and flyers. Festival and event pass cards are also represented. It also includes program notes related to early film screenings such as “There is in power …” and ”Her Soil is Gold.” This box also contains records related to the Images Festival. Finally, this box also includes scripts, proposals, and correspondence related to film projects which were never realized.
Box 2 includes records related to exhibition work, video installations, and showings at film festivals. This includes support materials for video installations on DVD. It also includes textual records related to screenings and festivals, including press clippings, programmes, correspondence, and travel itineraries. This box also contains research and proposals related to film projects that were never realized.
Box 3 contains archival footage and shoot tapes for the film “General Idea: Art, Aids and the Fin de Siecle.”
Box 4 includes screener tapes of Mangaard’s film work, “The Iconography of Venus”, “The Tyranny of Architecture” “Northbound Cairo,” “Into the Night”, “In Limbo” and “Maya’s Dream.” It also incudes Mangaard’s director reel. It also includes original soundtracks to some of Mangaard’s early 8 and 16mm films on audio cassette. Additionally, this box contains prints of “She Bit Me Seriously”, “The Tyranny of Architecture” and “The Iconography of Venus.” Finally, this box also contains shoot tapes for “Suzy Lake: Playing with Time” as well as an documentary project about Toronto gallerist Av Isaacs.
Box 5 includes film and soundtrack elements for “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs”, “A Dialogue With Vision …”, “Insomnia”, “Northbound Cairo,” as well as “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You” (alternately titled “Arctic Odyssey”).
[Box 6?] includes film and soundtrack elements predominantly related to “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs”, as well as some film elements for “The Tyranny of Architecture” and “The Iconography of Venus.”
Box 7 includes Super 8 elements for various films. Identifiable titles include “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs”, “Insomnia”, “Nothing by Mouth” and “The Iconography of Venus.” This box includes many reels which are not attributable to any specific production, but may include footage used in “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You,” “She Bit Me Seriously” and “The Tyranny of Architecture.”
Box 8 includes subject files and records related to the production and exhibition of specific titles, including “In Limbo”, “Northbound Cairo,” “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You”, “Broken Dreams,” “The Tyranny of Architecture,” “The Iconography of Venus,” “Her Soil is Gold,” “There is in Power …”, “94 Arcana Drive,” “Into the Night”, “Northing By Mouth,” and “A Dialogue With Vision.” Records include press clippings, festival programmes, promotional postcards and one-sheets, stills photography, film synopses, scripts, and program license agreements for television broadcast.
Box 9 includes DVD screeners of Mangaard’s film and video installation work, including: “Into the Night”, “Riding Light into the World”, “Suzy Lake: Playing With Time”, “Her Soil is Gold,” “Northbound Cairo,” “The Tyranny of Architecture”, “Hidden,” “Maya’s Dream”, “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You,” “94 Arcana Drive,” “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs, “A Dialogue With Vision”, “Into the Night”, “I Am Curious Yorkville” and “Fish Tale Soup.”
Box 10 includes VHS screeners of Mangaard’s film work, including “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You”, “94 Arcana Drive”, “There is in power…”, “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs”, “A Dialogue With Vision”, “Northbound Cairo”, “In Limbo”, and “Fish Tale Soup.”
Box 11 includes a hard drive with backup files for “Suzy Lake.” It also contains film-to-video transfers related to the titles “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs” and “Insomnia.”
Box 12 includes books and reference materials such a festival programmes.
Box 13 includes various exhibition catalogues, press clippings, and programmes.
Box 14 (1) includes video and audio masters for “Northbound Cairo” and “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You” as well as film elements related to “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs” and “A Dialogue With Vision.”
Box 14 (2) includes film elements for “A Dialogue With Vision”, “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You”, and “Insomnia,” as well as film elements not attributable to any specific production.
Box 15 includes subject files pertaining to the production of “General Idea.” This includes film proposals, archive license agreements, appearance releases, research files, correspondence, budgets, funding applications, and broadcast licenses.
Box 16 includes film, video, and audio elements relating to “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You”, “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs”, “A Dialogue With Vision”, and “94 Arcana Drive.”
Box 17 includes video masters and shoot tapes for “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs.” It also includes productions stills for this title, as well as subject files related to the making of this film, including CAVCO certification documents, funding applications, television license agreements, correspondence, and an exhibition catalogue pertaining to Arnaud Maggs’ work.
Box 18 includes video and audio masters for “Fish Tale Soup.” It also includes records related to the production and exhibition of this title, including correspondence, budgets, scripts, film proposals, production reports, various agreements, music cue sheets, distribution contracts, and production stills and key art. Also included alongside these materials is the 35mm release print for “Fish Tale Soup.”
Box 19 includes video masters for “General Idea.” It also includes subject files pertaining to the production and exhibition of this title, including books, clippings and other research materials, press summaries, funding agreements, production company incorporation documents, insurance certificates, correspondence, budgets, and promotional postcards and flyers.
Finally, this collection included posters for “General Idea”, “Fish Tale Soup”, “The Many Faces of Arnaud Maggs”, “Dreams of the Future,” and for Mangaard’s MFA exhibition, “Meltdown.”
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Preservation concerns may limit access, consult archivist.
Conditions governing reproduction
Media Commons does not own copyright of collection materials. Consult rights holder for reproduction(s).
Language of material
- English
Script of material
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Finding aids
Contact archivist for further finding aid information.
Allied materials area
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
Notes area
Alternative identifier(s)
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
Genre access points
Description control area
Description identifier
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Dates of creation revision deletion
October 4, 2023
- English
Artist, Annette Mangaard. V tape. Accessed at:
Annette Mangaard. About. Accessed at:
Annette Mangaard. Wikipedia. Accessed at:
Hoolboom, Mike. Annette Mangaard. “Funnel Interviews”. Accessed at:
Sternberg, Barabara. “How we sit and just watch it all.” On Experimental Film, Cinema Canada. September, 1988. Pp. 66.